Business Services 商业服务
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【金狮搬运】0433992808垃圾清理、除草、清洁特价活动中!Business Services 商业服务 - Melbourne (Melbourne) - 27/09/2019 55.00 $
金狮搬运专营:搬家,宜家提货,仓库提货,专业家具组装,二手家具回收,行李寄存,除草,收垃圾,各种运输等价钱实惠,不拖时间!4.5吨卡车(18立方)收费标准$55/小时, 配备1名搬运工$75/小时, 配备2名搬运工回程费30起*楼梯20每层(五个台阶或以上或者大斜坡),如果过大过重物品需要客人协助搬运 10.5吨卡车(43立方)收费标准$75/小时, 配备1名搬运工$110/小时, 配备2名搬运工回程费40起*楼梯20每层(五个台阶或以上或者大斜坡),如果过大过重物品需要客人协助搬运支持现金支付...
Knoxfield牙科诊所Business Services 商业服务 - Knox (Melbourne) - 25/05/2016 Check with seller
Knoxfield牙科诊所位于1577 Ferntree Gully Rd, Knoxfield VIC 3180。我们的团队致力于提供专业、先进、全面的的牙齿健康服务,保证您的最佳护齿体验! 欢迎拨打咨询热线 9763 3339 (英)0452 383 339 (中)中文介紹/ 微信客服:kdc1577
★万家乐★中短途搬家 跨州物流 家具安装 寄存邮寄,二手回收,垃圾处理 退房清洁,家庭清洁,除草园艺Business Services 商业服务 - (Nationwide) - 16/04/2024 Check with seller
中短途搬家 跨州物流 家具安装 寄存邮寄,二手回收,垃圾处理 退房清洁,家庭清洁,除草园艺 24小时服务热线 0415 789 666
Andrew Mathers Removals & StorageBusiness Services 商业服务 - Launceston (Northern Tasmania) - 31/01/2022 Check with seller
We are the largest removals and storage company in Tasmania. We have helped thousands of happy customers move within Tasmania, nationally and internationally since 1870. As one of the first removalist companies in Australia, people know and trust 'Th...
澳洲仓储货架围栏大全Business Services 商业服务 - Melbourne (Melbourne) - 01/11/2021 Check with seller
Family Lawyers Sydney | Top Family Law Firm Sydney | EdenKingBusiness Services 商业服务 - Sydney (Sydney) - 05/11/2020 Check with seller
Eden King Lawyers has a certain motto, strategy, integrity and success. We offer long term valuable, reliable and cost-efficient solutions to our Clients. We are a small business and understand what other small businesses, families and individuals ar...
政府大力扶持行业相关课程,疫情在家免費学习*Business Services 商业服务 - Melbourne (Melbourne) - 12/08/2020 Free
我们是澳洲正规注册领先的职业培训机构之一(绝非中介),多年来为培训优秀建築界技术人才,學員高度評價,雇主满意度极高。好就業 ,薪資高, 幫助你實現課程免費* 絕對是您的首選! 根据tradie收入报告,builder是薪金排名第三位 加入建築業是有智慧的投資! 點我查看報告內容 查看詳細貼子 ->CPC40110建筑开发管理四级证书(建造) Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) 证书四课程主要针对中小型低层建筑项目管理运行的...
免費建築課程 政府資助課程 讀書不花錢Business Services 商业服务 - Melbourne (Melbourne) - 29/07/2020 Free
随着国家经济的不断发展与社会的不断完善,民众对于生活水平和居住环境的要求越来越高,这便是建筑专业经久不衰的原因了。 澳洲专业建筑开发培训学院专一提供建筑类课程 申请Builder License必读学历 我们是澳洲正规注册的墨尔本领先的职业培训机构之一(绝非中介),多年来为培训优秀建築界技术人才,雇主满意度极高。每月开课。 学费全免!政府认可证书!名额有限! 想有一份又穩定又高薪的工作?想要有保障的將來? 建筑和木工行业目前处于澳大利亚收入最高的5个行业之一! 根据报告,排名前三的是建筑,而第五...
【金狮搬运】0433992808垃圾清理、除草、清洁特价活动中!Business Services 商业服务 - Melbourne (Melbourne) - 27/09/2019 55.00 $
金狮搬运专营:搬家,宜家提货,仓库提货,专业家具组装,二手家具回收,行李寄存,除草,收垃圾,各种运输等价钱实惠,不拖时间!4.5吨卡车(18立方)收费标准$55/小时, 配备1名搬运工$75/小时, 配备2名搬运工回程费30起*楼梯20每层(五个台阶或以上或者大斜坡),如果过大过重物品需要客人协助搬运 10.5吨卡车(43立方)收费标准$75/小时, 配备1名搬运工$110/小时, 配备2名搬运工回程费40起*楼梯20每层(五个台阶或以上或者大斜坡),如果过大过重物品需要客人协助搬运支持现金支付...
Vestibular Physio near meBusiness Services 商业服务 - Adelaide (Adelaide) - 20/09/2019 Check with seller
If you are feeling dizziness or vertigo then you need the best physiotherapist who can make you stable and keep your mind stable. We have the best experts who are always available to help you with these types of problems. https://www.burleighcentralp...
computer repairing service sunshine coastBusiness Services 商业服务 - Caloundry (Sunshine Coast) - 20/09/2019 Check with seller
If you are looking for the best computer repairing services provided by the experts and at very affordable cost for your computer. yOU can visit us at to get the best and cheapest computer repairing services. https://...
【政府资助课程 提升就业机会】幼教会计房产过户建筑IT社区服务美容美发西餐酒店等Business Services 商业服务 - Melbourne (Melbourne) - 09/09/2019 Check with seller
我们是澳洲正规注册的墨尔本领先的职业培训机构之一(绝非中介),十余年来为各行业培训出三万名优秀职业技术人才,雇主满意度极高。现提供60多个课程,每月开课,校区在Box Hill, Werribee和City,以及其他墨尔本地区。符合条件者,课程学费由政府资助。 政府资助条件: - 澳大利亚/新西兰公民 或 澳大利亚永久居民 - 申请课程高于在澳境内已获得或认证的学历 - 每年可以资助2门课程 *欢迎残疾人士申请 报名联系人: Ming 0413967396 微信:luckisyou 就业前景最受...
Burleigh Central PhysioBusiness Services 商业服务 - Aramac (Central West Queensland) - 06/09/2019 Free
If you are looking for the best physiotherapist, Burleigh Physio are here to keep you fit and healthy.You should come and visit us for the best services. We have experts and experienced, dedicated physiotherapists and massage therapists for you to sa...
Best Wedding Photography In MelbourneBusiness Services 商业服务 - Canberra (Australian Capital Territory) - 31/08/2019 Check with seller
Everybody wants to capture the beautiful moments of their wedding. We at Candid Love Sotries will capture those amazing moments that will stay with you forever in your memories. Visit our website for more information.
Affordable Laptop Repairs Sunshine CoastBusiness Services 商业服务 - Caloundry (Sunshine Coast) - 30/08/2019 Check with seller
If you are looking for the best computer repairing services provided by the experts and at very affordable cost for your computer. yOU can visit us at to get the best and cheapest computer repairing services. https://...
Burleigh Central PhysioBusiness Services 商业服务 - Adelaide (Adelaide) - 27/08/2019 Check with seller
If you are looking for the best physiotherapist, Physiotherapy at Burleigh to keep you fit and healthy.You should come and visit us for the best services. We have experts and experienced, dedicated physiotherapists and massage therapists for you to s...
墨尔本窗帘Business Services 商业服务 - Melbourne (Melbourne) - 19/04/2019 Check with seller
百威窗帘MELWAY BLINDS是一家集生产、加工、贸易于一体的窗帘厂家。我们根据澳洲房屋结构特点制定一套窗帘安装标准,经营多种卷帘(三天交活),百叶窗帘,布艺窗帘,室外遮光帘/棚,防盗门,纱窗/门。经过专业培训的安装队伍按照公司制定的安装标准,为客户提供安全稳固的窗帘安装服务。如果是你自己从海外订的窗帘,我们也可以代为安装,另售各款新式罗馬杆及轨道,专业团队,价格最优保证你满意。0423431685
墨尔本动物园门票长期9折水族馆门票长期8折Business Services 商业服务 - Melbourne (Melbourne) - 07/01/2019 Check with seller
墨尔本动物园门票长期9折水族馆门票长期8折 还有更多旅游景点门票可供选择,欢迎微信咨询。
展示架含挂钩可展示各种挂件Business Services 商业服务 - Melbourne (Melbourne) - 16/12/2018 Free
墨尔本Tigers Garage二手车出售/收购/代卖及新车代购/砍价等汽车相关服务Business Services 商业服务 - (Nationwide) - 01/08/2018 Check with seller
在Tigers Garage购买二手车是您睿智的选择。 作为总经理,我有多年在墨尔本4s店的工作管理经验,品牌从德国车到日本车,对澳洲新车旧车车行套路和价格非常熟悉。可以保证您在我们这里买到性价比高的好车。对于新车代购服务也能保证让你用更好的价格买到自己的爱车。 而且Tigers Garage拥有自己的汽修 和 钣金 部门,所有车辆在出售之前都经过检查和保养。来保证我们的车辆质量。 现推出服务有: 1. 二手车出售/收购/代卖 2.新车代购/砍价 3.汽修/钣金喷漆/代理保险 4.车辆估价(保险...
东南区英语数学基础➕奖学金辅导 4-6人精致小班Business Services 商业服务 - Monash (Melbourne) - 10/07/2018 40.00 $
【新学期开招】五-八年级数学奖学金辅导课(caufield grammar, Melbourne high, John Monash science school),英语辅导(词汇,阅读理解,作文,演讲,社交礼仪)周六套餐课程请联系报名啦,名额有限,请家长抓紧。 “是的,教育永远不是一个人的工作,也无法贪图安逸,我们学生,学校,老师,家长一起配合默契去达到目标!” 报名请➕微信:tao4747 请联系邮箱
墨尔本花店鲜花配送婚礼花艺活动布置花艺课程Business Services 商业服务 - Melbourne (Melbourne) - 24/05/2018 Check with seller
Petal & Soil 花艺工作室,高品质精品花艺,网站 微信:florist0123 主营: - 花礼定制 - 鲜花配送 - 花艺课程 - 婚礼花艺 - 商业活动布置 - 派对宴会布置 欢迎加微信咨询!